Clinical Management Systems |
Enhance your professional practice with our electronic clinical management (ECM) system. Our ECM applications will take care of the routine work, make it more systematic, less error-prone, hassle-free, enhance your productivity, store and secure pertinent information in clear, reliable, easily searchable and retrievable formats. With scheduling, billing, e-prescribing, patient management, health reports, practice analysis, referral management and physician assist applications, ECM aims to organize to help you optimize.
Key benefits of our ECM applications include:
- Ease-of-use
- Friendly interfaces (visual, input)
- Advanced billing features that save you from billing hassles
- Organized patient information formats
- Referral Analysis Management
- Pertinent practice analysis data that will help you understand and better develop your practice
- Instant ordering of medications and booking of procedures
- Change/update notifications, event markers, reminders
- Report Generation
- Treatment Recommendations
- Multi-level security features for peace of mind
Improve your operational efficiency*
- Reduce physical health record space by 80%
- Eliminate 50% of health record functions
- Reduce repeated and unnecessary tests by 20%
- Reduce tests with conflicting Rx by 30%
- Make it virtually impossible to misfile
*Statistics result of Project 2003 undertaken by The University Health Network, Toronto, Canada
Manage patients, finance, disease, research, administration… manage your practice impeccably.
Whether it is your tablet or your handheld device, our customized applications allow you to more readily access and manage your data while on the move. We provide the infrastructure for seamless integration between the application and server side thus ensuring high-speed, reliable and secure solutions for wireless connectivity, data exchange and utilization. From solutions for electronic prescribing, charge capture, research to patient tracking, we design wireless applications that provide you with the tools to improve efficiency and access critical information at the point of care.
Mobile informatics… for clinical productivity wherever you go.. |